Cronologia Elektra -> ELEKTRA: LE RADICI DEL MALE -> 2/4

N. Titolo Italiano Data USA Team creativo Edizione ITA Data ITA Pag.
2   Murderer's bible   04/1995   D.G.Chichester/Scott McDaniel/Hector Collazo/Heroic Age & Christie Scheele   Wiz #4   02/1996   31
3   The hour of the wolf   05/1995   D.G.Chichester/Scott McDaniel/Hector Collazo/Heroic Age & Christie Scheele   Wiz #5, #6   03/1996   31
4   She who slays   06/1995   D.G.Chichester/Scott McDaniel/Hector Collazo/Heroic Age & Christie Scheele   Wiz #7   05/1996   32
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